Lairs of the Haunted (I) (103 x 110cm) Lairs of the Haunted (II) (103 x 110cm) Champion of the Valley (19 x 13cm) Antler Falls (II) (103 x 110cm) Antler Falls (I) (103 x 110cm) Snow in Spring (19 x 17cm) Cradle Mountain, Barn Bluff, Crater Lake (103 x 110cm) Cave Network (22 x 18cm) Old White Lightning (103 x 110cm) Subterranean Snow Garden (19 x 13cm Mountain, Bubble Clouds (19 x 17cm) Dolphin Pod in the Shallows (25 x 20cm) Hills with Cloud & Mist (36 x 30cm) Mt Ossa (103 x 110cm) Mutual Benefit (17x18cm)Looking South-East from the Mt Eliza Plateau, Tasmania (103 x 110cm)Mirage (19 x 13cm) Two Trees (22 x 18cm) Crater Forest (22 x 17cm)